====== The Wanderer ======
A god of dreams, imagination and creativity. To worship the Wanderer is to wish to cut free from rigid and closed-minded thinking. Followers of the Wanderer are known to make moderate use of hallucinogenic substances to aid in this and enhance their worship.
===== Thematic Elements =====
**Leading Element:** Instinct\\
**Lesser Element:** Belonging\\
**Opposing Element:** Conflict
===== Tenets =====
* Let nothing restrict dreams and imagination.
===== Known Heresies/Schisms =====
* There is a small following of the Wanderer who staunchly refuse to take hallucinogenics, insisting that they do not need substances to be able to think however freely they wish. They unsurprisingly have their own services where such things are not taken.
{{tag>god gari wanderer}}