======Body====== Body is about the bodies formed by the soul in Vision Quests, and working/strengthening them. It is much less useful on the Physical plane, though seemingly effects can be projected onto it to a limited extent. Each spell has a greater effect which will take place on a Vision Quest and a lesser effect that will take place in the Physical world. Magic is cast by tying knots in things on one’s person, representing the act of girding the spiritual body with armour. Casting a spell requires tying three simple knots. This may be performed in advance, a spell’s requirement is that at least three knots are tied about one’s person since the last spell cast. Phys-repping of this is encouraged, though at a pinch without things to knot appropriate roleplaying may be performed with two hands instead taking 20 seconds. =====Rank C===== ^Name^Vision Quest^Physical^ ^Steel Skin|ARC EFFECT “You count as armoured” ONGOING|ARC EFFECT “You count as armoured” ONGOING| ^Keen Edge|GAIN TRIPLE DURING 20|GAIN TRIPLE DURING| ^Enfeeble|SAP ONGOING|SAP| =====Rank B===== ^Name^Vision Quest^Physical^ ^Sustain Body|HEAL (only targetable on 0 hits target)|STABILIZE 60| ^Enhanced Strength|BUFF ONGOING|BUFF| ^Talent Manifest|Effect “You can use your weapon skills” 60|Effect “You can use your weapon skills” 60| =====Rank A===== ^Name^Vision Quest^Physical^ ^Firm Grip|GAIN IMMUNE BE DISARMED ONGOING|GAIN NULL BE DISARMED| ^Honed Eyes|ARC GAIN LOCK|GAIN LOCK| ^Iron Flesh|GAIN 10 hits ONGOING|GAIN 10 hits| =====Rank S===== ^Name^Vision Quest^Physical^ ^Restore Body|HEAL|STABILIZE ONGOING| ^Mighty Constitution|EFFECT “You NULL that impairment”|GAIN VOID| ^Great Arm|ARC GAIN PUSH|GAIN PUSH|