======General Skills====== These skills can be purchased by anyone of any class and represent the limits of what is possible outside of Enlightened power. All [[system:weaponskills|Weapon Skills]] are also General Skills. =====Level 1===== ====Light Armour 1==== Whilst wearing light armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 2 physical hits * 1 physical VOID ====Medium Armour 1==== Whilst wearing medium armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 4 physical hits ====Heavy Armour 1==== Whilst wearing heavy armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 4 physical hits ====Strong Body 1==== You have an unusual level of physical fitness. This allows you to carry a person at a full run with two hands. In addition you have an additional: * 2 physical hits ====Selling yourself 1==== You may hold Favour with one extra organisation, and can gain 2 reputation with an organisation of your choice between adventures by doing miscellaneous “favours” to ingratiate yourself. In addition you count as having 10 more Favour for determining your rank with an organisation you are a member of. You may change which organisations these points count towards between adventures. ====Detailed Knowledge 1==== Chose a single field of study that pre-dates the Moonrise Event, you are exceptionally well informed about any matter that relates to it. * You have 1 additional Spirit hit. ====Non-verbal Communication==== Chose a method of conveying meaning (most commonly sign language or interpretative dance) you can fully express yourself it that medium to convey detailed messages as you would with words to anyone who can observe the entirety of you message. In contexts where this is being used for clever purposes you can ask a GM to convey any messages for you to everyone who was watching but wasn't necessarily listening. * You have 1 additional spirit hit. ====Diplomacy==== You are skilled at identifying the avenues of power in a group. You can ask the GM to identify who that is present is actually capable of getting things done if they want something to happen. * You have 1 additional spirit hit. ====Larceny==== You have basic criminal talents, such as lockpicking, awkwardly making your way into first floor windows or sneaking past a sleepy guard at night. ====Backstab==== //Pre-Requisite: Larceny// Almost everything has weak points, you may call FREEZE CONTACT whilst striking a target towards the center of their phys-rep’s back from behind with a weapon no longer than a dagger. If you take damage whilst maintaining this CONTACT you must break it. ====Folk Medicine==== In the physical world you can now stabilise someone bleeding out with 10 seconds of work with both hands (STABILISE ONGOING). On an unconscious target you may properly heal them after 1 minute of two handed constant medical attention (HEAL). (A Doctor with this skill may treat it as a Doctor skill for all intents and purposes and use their normal medical implements to perform it) ====Portentous Visions==== You have become skilled at remembering your dreams. If you are devoted to a particular god you will often experience messages from them whilst you sleep. Once per adventure you can ask a GM for a prompt about what is going on in the adventure or what is to come that you have deciphered from the things you have seen in your dreams, generally these hints will relate to things that either people have done or that people intend to do. * You have 1 additional spirit hit. ====Traditional Alchemy 1==== Working in a lab collaborating with others with access to all the appropriate ingredients you may between adventures craft many things with your take away cut being 10 points worth of one or two point Alchemy. This alchemy loses its potency at the end of the adventure. =====Level 2===== ====Light Armour 2==== //Pre-Requisite: Light Armour 1// Whilst wearing light armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 2 physical hits * 1 physical VOID ====Medium Armour 2==== //Pre-Requisite: Medium Armour 1// Whilst wearing medium armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 2 physical hits * 1 physical VOID ====Heavy Armour 2==== //Pre-Requisite: Heavy Armour 1// Whilst wearing heavy armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 4 physical hits ====Strong Body 2==== //Pre-Requisite: Strong Body 1// You have an unusual level of physical fitness. This allows you to carry a person at a full run with one hand. In addition you have an additional: * 2 physical hits ====Selling Yourself 2==== //Pre-Requisite: Selling Yourself 1// You may hold Favour with one extra organisation, and can gain 2 reputation with an organisation of your choice between adventures by doing miscellaneous “favours” to ingratiate yourself. In addition you may be a member of one extra organisation, and you count as having 10 more Favour for determining your rank with an organisation you are a member of. You may change which organisations these points count towards between adventures. ====Scouting==== //Pre-Requisite: Larceny// Whilst moving through the physical world can move ahead of the party at no risk to yourself and generally be able to report back on what the next encounter contains. In addition you can position yourself in an advantageous position of your choice at least 5 meters from a monster at the start of the encounter where you have done this successfully and not be noticed until you begin moving. ====Detailed Knowledge 2==== //Pre-Requisite: Detailed Knowledge 1// Chose a single field of study that pre-dates the Moonrise Event, you are exceptionally well informed about any matter that relates to it. * You have 1 additional Spirit hit. ====Disguise==== //Pre-Requisite: Diplomacy or Larceny// You may disguise yourself in such a way as you are unrecognisable as yourself without it being obvious that you are concealing your identity. Calling in favours from organisations that can achieve appropriate logistics can allow you to disguise yourself as someone specific or a member of a specific group. ====Diagnosis==== //Pre-Requisite: Folk Medicine or Field Medicine (Doctor)// You can identify the lingering effects of lasting problems on your own species and identify long term treatment regimens that will almost certainly cure them, though sometimes the treatment may be worse than the original problem. ====Broad Study==== //Pre-Requisite: Diagnosis// You have studied the biology of a wide variety of creatures and can use your diagnosis skill on any species. From a dead example of a creature you will be able to identify almost exactly how tough it was in life if it didn’t have appreciable training or metaphysical power (ask a GM for stats of dead monsters you have time to study if you wish) * You have 1 additional Spirit hit. ====Traditional Alchemy 2==== //Pre-Requisite: Traditional Alchemy 1// Working in a lab collaborating with others with access to all the appropriate ingredients you may between adventures craft many things with your take away cut being an additional 5 points worth of one or two point Alchemy. This is accompanied by 2 items of 3 point alchemy that you made yourself which is only usable by you. This alchemy loses its potency at the end of the adventure. ====Astrology==== //Pre-Requisite: Portentous Visions// This skill may be taken in one of two ways. In either case you additionally gain: * 1 additional spirit hit ===Mechanical Astrology=== Chose a topic that you have studied in the stars. Once per adventure with an opportunity to study the stars you may gain insight into how that topic is immanently interacting with the world or even yourself. Whilst this is still often vague stark insights may sometimes be achieved when your topic is directly relevant to events in which you are imminently to participate. ===Intuitive Astrology=== Once per adventure you can ask a GM for a prompt about what is going on in the adventure or what is to come that you have deciphered from the things you have seen in the stars, generally these hints will relate to great changes and things to come. =====Level 3===== ====Light Armour 3==== //Pre-Requisite: Light Armour 2// Whilst wearing light armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 2 physical hits * 1 physical VOID ====Medium Armour 3==== //Pre-Requisite: Medium Armour 2// Whilst wearing medium armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 4 physical hits ====Heavy Armour 3==== //Pre-Requisite: Heavy Armour 2// Whilst wearing heavy armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 4 physical hits ====Selling Yourself 3==== //Pre-Requisite: Selling Yourself 2// You may hold Favour with one extra organisation, and can gain 2 reputation with an organisation of your choice between adventures by doing miscellaneous “favours” to ingratiate yourself. In addition you count as having 10 more Favour for determining your rank with an organisation you are a member of. You may change which organisations these points count towards between adventures. =====Level 4===== ====Light Armour 4==== //Pre-Requisite: Light Armour 3// Whilst wearing light armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 2 physical hits * 1 physical VOID ====Medium Armour 4==== //Pre-Requisite: Medium Armour 3// Whilst wearing medium armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 2 physical hits * 1 physical VOID ====Heavy Armour 4==== //Pre-Requisite: Heavy Armour 3// Whilst wearing heavy armour you can avoid damage in such a way as you have an additional: * 4 physical hits ====Selling Yourself 4==== //Pre-Requisite: Selling Yourself 3// You may hold Favour with one extra organisation, and can gain 2 reputation with an organisation of your choice between adventures by doing miscellaneous “favours” to ingratiate yourself. In addition you may be a member of one extra organisation, and you count as having 10 more Favour for determining your rank with an organisation you are a member of. You may change which organisations these points count towards between adventures.