======Space====== Space is about the physical positions and shapes of things as seen to an observer. Space magic is cast by creating intricate origami. This is represented by making four of folds in half of a sheet of paper without unfolding. At the completion of the last fold the spell call must be made if you wish to cast it. Phys-repping of this is encouraged, though at a pinch without a piece of paper appropriate roleplaying may be performed with one hand instead, taking 20 seconds of a hand dedicated to the task. An equal length of time must be waited before beginning casting another spell (representing unfolding your paper for the next use). =====Rank C ===== ====Flash Crush==== (RANGED) QUINT ====Local Gravity==== (RANGED) DISARM ====Disrupt==== (RANGED) PUSH =====Rank B===== ====Spatial Projection==== Make a call you can make by melee at range (uses the melee call) ====Gravity Well==== ARC DRAW 30 ====Spatial Folding==== Relocate an entity towards you ((RANGED)DRAW, if this is not resisted call EFFECT “Disappear”). This may also be used on unattended inanimate objects (this may require a time freeze). =====Rank A===== ====Repulsion Field==== MASS PUSH ====Personal Translocation==== Select a point in space, Call GONE, GAIN APPEARING, you can only use this appearing on reaching that point. ====Known Location==== GAIN IMMUNE DRAW & PUSH ONGOING =====Rank S===== ====Wormhole==== EFFECT “Your calls are ranged” 5 This does indeed allow someone to hack at the sky making their melee damage call once per second. ====Spatial Scattering==== Call Time Stop, draw a straight line in the encounter, everyone moves perpendicularly 5 meters away from that line, cannot be used in a space which this action has previously been performed within the duration of the adventure ====Spatial Distortion==== MASS EFFECT “You cannot approach me” ONGOING