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system:alchemy [2018/01/20 23:03]
mousus6 created
system:alchemy [2020/01/30 21:28] (current)
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 ====Basic Alchemy: 1 point==== ====Basic Alchemy: 1 point====
-  * Grappling Hook: Throw at a target to call DRAW +  * Grappling Hook: Throw at a target to call PULL 
-  * Stun Shot: Throw at a target to call DAZE +  * Stun Shot: Throw at a target to call STUN 
-  * Strength Potion: Drink or throw at a target for STRENGTHEN ​30 +  * Strength Potion: Drink or throw at a target for BUFF 30 
-  * The Opportunist:​ Drink or throw at a target for WEAKEN ​30+  * The Opportunist:​ Drink or throw at a target for SAP 30
   * Mechanised Javelin: Throw at a target to call TRIPLE   * Mechanised Javelin: Throw at a target to call TRIPLE
 ====Advanced Alchemy: 2 points==== ====Advanced Alchemy: 2 points====
-  * Power Brew: Drink or throw at a target for STRENGTHEN ​ONGOING +  * Power Brew: Drink or throw at a target for BUFF ONGOING 
-  * Consuming this leads to a strong sense of energy and euphoria +    * Consuming this leads to a strong sense of energy and euphoria 
-  * Strength Sap: Drink or throw at a target for WEAKEN ​ONGOING +  * Strength Sap: Drink or throw at a target for SAP ONGOING 
-  * Consuming this leads to a strong sense of relaxation and moderate drowsiness. +    * Consuming this leads to a strong sense of relaxation and moderate drowsiness. 
-  * Orrery of Horrors: Activate to call MASS BE REPELLED+  * Orrery of Horrors: Activate to call MASS BE PUSHED
   * Big Knife: Throw at a target to call HEX   * Big Knife: Throw at a target to call HEX
   * Adhesive Gunk: Throw at a target to call DISARM 60   * Adhesive Gunk: Throw at a target to call DISARM 60
-  * Freeze Bomb: Throw at a target to call LOCK EVERYTHING+  * Freeze Bomb: Throw at a target to call FREEZE
 ====Personal Alchemy: 3 points==== ====Personal Alchemy: 3 points====
 These can only ever be used directly by their creator and are never activatable by any other individual. ​ They may also never be applied to traps. These can only ever be used directly by their creator and are never activatable by any other individual. ​ They may also never be applied to traps.
-  * Invigoration Cake: Feed to a downed target for HEAL followed by WEAKEN ​ONGOING. There are no long-term effects from this ONGOING call +  * Invigoration Cake: Feed to a downed target for HEAL followed by SAP ONGOING. 
-  * Tea of Doom: Drink or throw at a target for EFFECT “Lose all hits after 1 minute” ONGOING. For the next encounter the target is under the effects of WEAKEN +    * There are no long-term effects from this ONGOING call 
-  * Eruption: Drink to take EFFECT “Call and take MASS HEX every 3 seconds” ONGOING. For the next 2 encounters the drinker’s hits are halved (rounding up), repeated uses stack this effect and reset the 2 encounter timer+  * Tea of Doom: Drink or throw at a target for EFFECT “Lose all hits after 1 minute” ONGOING. 
 +    * For the next encounter the target is under the effects of SAP 
 +  * Eruption: Drink to take EFFECT “Call and take MASS HEX every 3 seconds” ONGOING. 
 +    * For the next 2 encounters the drinker’s hits are halved (rounding up), repeated uses stack this effect and reset the 2 encounter timer
system/alchemy.1516489420.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/20 23:03 by mousus6