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gming:running [2018/02/09 20:44]
mousus6 created
gming:running [2021/02/03 15:32] (current)
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   * You should aim to have at least some sentient (or sentient-like) monster roles turning up in your adventures, as whilst the land has had a wild animal problem since the Moonrise Event, people are usually more interesting to play.   * You should aim to have at least some sentient (or sentient-like) monster roles turning up in your adventures, as whilst the land has had a wild animal problem since the Moonrise Event, people are usually more interesting to play.
   * Monster stats should tend to be around equivalent to a player of the relevant level buying only general skills and having no resource, with the occasional thing which is a little more dangerous.   * Monster stats should tend to be around equivalent to a player of the relevant level buying only general skills and having no resource, with the occasional thing which is a little more dangerous.
 +  * Without a very specific reason to be fighting to the death monsters (sentient and otherwise) should be using their HEAL after getting dropped to flee the encounter but sentient ones should equally should be reasonably fine with the players fleeing.
 +  * Non-lethal TPKs should allow whatever the players were trying to prevent to go ahead but not necessarily have any major consequence to the players themselves (try to make sure that the goals of your opposition are ones that are reasonable for the continuance of the setting just in case the players don't actually care enough to risk their lives stopping them)
   * When aiming to make things particularly tough, tend towards giving them HEAL calls rather than a whole load of hit points.   * When aiming to make things particularly tough, tend towards giving them HEAL calls rather than a whole load of hit points.
gming/running.1518209085.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/09 20:44 by mousus6