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nations:foroth [2018/01/20 22:59]
chaos created
nations:foroth [2018/01/21 01:30] (current)
chaos early adjustments
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 ====== Foroth ====== ====== Foroth ======
-Foroth is the fairly small nation to the immediate North of Falgarias. Though it is a coupke ​of centuries old, its growth has been limited by constant switching back and forth between the rule of two religious parties who despite being fairly aligned in goals are more concerned with sticking it to the opposition than bettering the nation.+Foroth is the fairly small nation to the immediate North of Falgarias. Though it is a couple ​of centuries old, its growth has been limited by constant switching back and forth between the rule of two religious parties who despite being fairly aligned in goals are more concerned with sticking it to the opposition than bettering the nation.
 ===== Culture ===== ===== Culture =====
-Religion plays an important part in Foroth, with swathes of the population in support of each of a pair of twin gods. Both have complicated ​scriptures which dictate aspects of peoples'​ lives, ​which to outsiders are generally arbitrary ​and incomprehensible. The party is currently in power will typically set rules which align with their god's particular scripture, whilst spending a lot of their effort on expanding their own temple and undoing any expansions and laws put in place by their opponents when they were last in power.+Religion plays an important part in Foroth, with swathes of the population in support of each of a pair of twin gods. Both have scriptures which dictate ​some aspects of peoples'​ lives, and the party currently in power will typically set rules which align with their god's particular scripture, whilst spending a lot of their effort on expanding their own temple and undoing any expansions and laws put in place by their opponents when they were last in power.
-Life in Foroth can be quite restrictive when one is a dedicated follower of the god whose representatives are not currently in power, so there are quite a few who don't consistently align with one or the other, who act as a swing to the vote and have almost consistently throughout the nation'​s history caused power to jump back and forth between the two parties, preventing each from entrenching itself too far.+Life in Foroth can be a little ​restrictive when one is a dedicated follower of the god whose representatives are not currently in power, so there are quite a few who don't consistently align with one or the other, who act as a swing to the vote and have almost consistently throughout the nation'​s history caused power to jump back and forth between the two parties, preventing each from entrenching itself too far.
 **Outsider Description:​** Flip-flopping scripture-mongers **Outsider Description:​** Flip-flopping scripture-mongers
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 ===== Legal ===== ===== Legal =====
-Because each party is quite concerned with having the laws suit their own god's scripture, the complicated set of laws that apply to those within Foroth tends to switch back and forth between two sets of laws that enforce peoples'​ lives in different ​often contradictory ways. For example, under the Cos party'​s rule the nation'​s people are expected to remain indoors between the sixth and eighth hours of sunrise, whilst under the Pal party they must offer praise to the open sky on the seventh.+Because each party is quite concerned with having the laws suit their own god's scripture, the laws that apply to those within Foroth tends to switch back and forth between two sets of laws that enforce peoples'​ lives in different, sometimes ​contradictory ways. For example, under the Cos party'​s rule the nation'​s people are expected to remain indoors between the sixth and eighth hours following ​sunrise, whilst under the Pal party they must offer praise to the open sky on the seventh.
-Each always enforces a law requiring "due adherence to the scriptures",​ although besides particularly high-ranking priests nobody tends to remember //all// of the details. Moreover, recognising ​that they will likely only be in power for the current term neither side tends to be particularly strict about enforcing ​this especially upon those who are strict followers of the other god. Rather they are quietly afforded freedom of religious expression so long as they are subtle about it. Loudly proselytising in the streets in favour of the god whose party is not in power is considered a terrible idea. +Recognising ​that they will likely only be in power for the current term neither side tends to be particularly strict about enforcing ​some of these rules especially upon those who are strict followers of the other god. Rather they are quietly afforded freedom of religious expression so long as they are subtle about it. Loudly proselytising in the streets in favour of the god whose party is not in power is considered a terrible idea. 
 ===== Religion ===== ===== Religion =====
-Depending on whom you ask, religion is either the guiding principles by which life must be lived (although the complicated ​set of rules and principles will vary depending on which god's followers you ask) or a tedious part of life which defines among other things ​which vegetables you happen to be able to grow this year.+Depending on whom you ask, religion is either the guiding principles by which life must be lived (although the set of rules and principles will vary depending on which god's followers you ask) or a tedious part of life which puts some odd restrictions on the sorts of things ​one can do.
 {{topic>​gods?​god +foroth&​nouser}} {{topic>​gods?​god +foroth&​nouser}}
nations/foroth.1516489142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/20 22:59 by chaos