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The Principle of Battle

The notion of the fight to enforce order and defend one's view of the world, worshipped as a god. To follow the Principle of Battle is to hold a specific view of how the world should be, and to be prepared to fight to defend that against those who would oppose it.

Thematic Elements

Leading Element: Conquest
Lesser Element: Order
Opposing Element: Peace


  • It is better to die with one's principles than to live without them.
  • To yield one's principles to any form of opposition is madness.
  • The fight is never over. All things must be kept in their correct place.

Known Heresies/Schisms

  • Followers of the Principle of Battle are roughly evenly split between those who hold that the Principle extends only as far as defending one's way of life from others who would oppose it, but that it is suggesting that there will always be those who oppose it, and those who hold that the Principle is as much about going out into the wider world and enforcing one's way of life upon them as it is defending it back home.
gods/principle_of_battle.1516489358.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/20 23:02 by chaos