Located directly to the South of the lands of Falgarias, Khymonia is a fairly young (only a few generations old) nation of particularly aggressively-minded Cutani who left Nehelipa to form their own nation when they did not agree with the culture there. They make frequent border raids on nearby nations including Falgarias, and are known for taking slaves.
The Khymon people tend to be loud and aggressive, valuing strength above other things. Usually this means sheer physical strength, although they recognise and respect the role of tactics and strategy.
A lot of the actual labour, from household work to farmland to construction, is performed by slaves captured in their border raids. They generally look down on anybody who is not Cutani and treat them poorly, though they will enslave pretty much anybody not of Khymonia given half the chance. As such they typically have little patience for everyday chores, as they can just get slaves to do that for them.
It's not unheard of for them to trade their slaves with other nations too, if they can find a buyer. Whether that's to return someone to their home or to be used for labour in other places, the Khymon people don't care.
Outsider Description: Genusist slaver dogpeople
The nation is pretty much entirely Cutani. Anybody not a Cutani is either a slave, or is rapidly about to become one.
The Khymon typically have a single name, usually with a focus on hard consonants. They're rather fond of the letter K. Some may embellish theirs with a military rank if they have one.
Khymonia is ruled by a dictator, the current one being General Mokath, who took control of the nation when the original dictator who founded it died of old age.
There are no real laws in Khymonia besides “if Mokath tells you to do something then get the slaves to make it happen” and “don't start a fight if you don't really mean it”.
Few of the Khymon have time for religion, though recognising the combat potential of the new forms of blessings which have begun to spring up among the Enlightened some among them have begun to revive interest in it with a fresh take on an old Nehelipan god.